Comparazione classi Framework 1.1 - 2.0 RTM
Quale assembly?
- non presente nella 2.0 RTM
+ aggiunto nella 2.0 RTM
= invariato
!= variato rispetto alla 1.1
Namespace mscorlib
Totale classi: 2135, di cui
- 395 nuove
- 804 modificate
- 0 rimosse
Pagina ... 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 ...
System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator != | ||
= | BeginCatchBlock (Type exceptionType) | |
= | BeginCatchBlock (Type exceptionType) | |
= | BeginExceptFilterBlock () | |
= | BeginExceptFilterBlock () | |
= | BeginExceptionBlock () | |
= | BeginExceptionBlock () | |
= | BeginFaultBlock () | |
= | BeginFaultBlock () | |
= | BeginFinallyBlock () | |
= | BeginFinallyBlock () | |
= | BeginScope () | |
= | BeginScope () | |
= | DeclareLocal (Type localType) | |
= | DeclareLocal (Type localType) | |
+ | DeclareLocal (Type localType, Boolean pinned) | |
= | DefineLabel () | |
= | DefineLabel () | |
= | Emit (OpCode opcode, LocalBuilder local) | |
= | Emit (OpCode opcode, String str) | |
= | Emit (OpCode opcode, FieldInfo field) | |
= | Emit (OpCode opcode, Label[] labels) | |
= | Emit (OpCode opcode, Label label) | |
= | Emit (OpCode opcode, Double arg) | |
= | Emit (OpCode opcode, Single arg) | |
= | Emit (OpCode opcode, Int64 arg) | |
= | Emit (OpCode opcode, Type cls) | |
= | Emit (OpCode opcode, ConstructorInfo con) | |
= | Emit (OpCode opcode, SignatureHelper signature) | |
= | Emit (OpCode opcode, MethodInfo meth) | |
= | Emit (OpCode opcode, Int32 arg) | |
= | Emit (OpCode opcode, Int16 arg) | |
= | Emit (OpCode opcode, Byte arg) | |
= | Emit (OpCode opcode) | |
= | Emit (OpCode opcode, SByte arg) | |
= | Emit (OpCode opcode) | |
= | Emit (OpCode opcode, Byte arg) | |
= | Emit (OpCode opcode, SByte arg) | |
= | Emit (OpCode opcode, Int16 arg) | |
= | Emit (OpCode opcode, Int32 arg) | |
= | Emit (OpCode opcode, MethodInfo meth) | |
= | Emit (OpCode opcode, SignatureHelper signature) | |
= | Emit (OpCode opcode, ConstructorInfo con) | |
= | Emit (OpCode opcode, Type cls) | |
= | Emit (OpCode opcode, Int64 arg) | |
= | Emit (OpCode opcode, Single arg) | |
= | Emit (OpCode opcode, Double arg) | |
= | Emit (OpCode opcode, Label label) | |
= | Emit (OpCode opcode, Label[] labels) | |
= | Emit (OpCode opcode, FieldInfo field) | |
= | Emit (OpCode opcode, String str) | |
= | Emit (OpCode opcode, LocalBuilder local) | |
= | EmitCall (OpCode opcode, MethodInfo methodInfo, Type[] optionalParameterTypes) | |
= | EmitCall (OpCode opcode, MethodInfo methodInfo, Type[] optionalParameterTypes) | |
= | EmitCalli (OpCode opcode, CallingConventions callingConvention, Type returnType, Type[] parameterTypes, Type[] optionalParameterTypes) | |
= | EmitCalli (OpCode opcode, CallingConvention unmanagedCallConv, Type returnType, Type[] parameterTypes) | |
= | EmitCalli (OpCode opcode, CallingConventions callingConvention, Type returnType, Type[] parameterTypes, Type[] optionalParameterTypes) | |
= | EmitCalli (OpCode opcode, CallingConvention unmanagedCallConv, Type returnType, Type[] parameterTypes) | |
= | EmitWriteLine (FieldInfo fld) | |
= | EmitWriteLine (LocalBuilder localBuilder) | |
= | EmitWriteLine (String value) | |
= | EmitWriteLine (String value) | |
= | EmitWriteLine (LocalBuilder localBuilder) | |
= | EmitWriteLine (FieldInfo fld) | |
= | EndExceptionBlock () | |
= | EndExceptionBlock () | |
= | EndScope () | |
= | EndScope () | |
= | MarkLabel (Label loc) | |
= | MarkLabel (Label loc) | |
= | MarkSequencePoint (ISymbolDocumentWriter document, Int32 startLine, Int32 startColumn, Int32 endLine, Int32 endColumn) | |
= | MarkSequencePoint (ISymbolDocumentWriter document, Int32 startLine, Int32 startColumn, Int32 endLine, Int32 endColumn) | |
= | ThrowException (Type excType) | |
= | ThrowException (Type excType) | |
= | UsingNamespace (String usingNamespace) | |
= | UsingNamespace (String usingNamespace) |
System.Reflection.Emit.Label != | ||
= | Equals (Object obj) | |
= | Equals (Object obj) | |
+ | Equals (Label obj) | |
= | GetHashCode () | |
= | GetHashCode () | |
+ | op_Equality (Label a, Label b) | |
+ | op_Inequality (Label a, Label b) |
System.Reflection.Emit.LocalBuilder != | ||
= | SetLocalSymInfo (String name) | |
= | SetLocalSymInfo (String name, Int32 startOffset, Int32 endOffset) | |
= | SetLocalSymInfo (String name) | |
= | SetLocalSymInfo (String name, Int32 startOffset, Int32 endOffset) | |
+ | IsPinned | |
+ | LocalIndex | |
= | LocalType | |
= | LocalType |
System.Reflection.Emit.MethodBuilder != | ||
= | AddDeclarativeSecurity (SecurityAction action, PermissionSet pset) | |
= | AddDeclarativeSecurity (SecurityAction action, PermissionSet pset) | |
= | CreateMethodBody (Byte[] il, Int32 count) | |
= | CreateMethodBody (Byte[] il, Int32 count) | |
+ | DefineGenericParameters (String[] names) | |
= | DefineParameter (Int32 position, ParameterAttributes attributes, String strParamName) | |
= | DefineParameter (Int32 position, ParameterAttributes attributes, String strParamName) | |
= | Equals (Object obj) | |
= | Equals (Object obj) | |
= | GetBaseDefinition () | |
= | GetBaseDefinition () | |
= | GetCustomAttributes (Boolean inherit) | |
= | GetCustomAttributes (Type attributeType, Boolean inherit) | |
= | GetCustomAttributes (Boolean inherit) | |
= | GetCustomAttributes (Type attributeType, Boolean inherit) | |
+ | GetGenericArguments () | |
+ | GetGenericMethodDefinition () | |
= | GetHashCode () | |
= | GetHashCode () | |
= | GetILGenerator () | |
= | GetILGenerator (Int32 size) | |
= | GetILGenerator () | |
= | GetILGenerator (Int32 size) | |
= | GetMethodImplementationFlags () | |
= | GetMethodImplementationFlags () | |
= | GetModule () | |
= | GetModule () | |
= | GetParameters () | |
= | GetParameters () | |
= | GetToken () | |
= | GetToken () | |
= | Invoke (Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, Object[] parameters, CultureInfo culture) | |
= | Invoke (Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, Object[] parameters, CultureInfo culture) | |
= | IsDefined (Type attributeType, Boolean inherit) | |
= | IsDefined (Type attributeType, Boolean inherit) | |
+ | MakeGenericMethod (Type[] typeArguments) | |
= | SetCustomAttribute (ConstructorInfo con, Byte[] binaryAttribute) | |
= | SetCustomAttribute (CustomAttributeBuilder customBuilder) | |
= | SetCustomAttribute (ConstructorInfo con, Byte[] binaryAttribute) | |
= | SetCustomAttribute (CustomAttributeBuilder customBuilder) | |
= | SetImplementationFlags (MethodImplAttributes attributes) | |
= | SetImplementationFlags (MethodImplAttributes attributes) | |
= | SetMarshal (UnmanagedMarshal unmanagedMarshal) | |
= | SetMarshal (UnmanagedMarshal unmanagedMarshal) | |
+ | SetParameters (Type[] parameterTypes) | |
+ | SetReturnType (Type returnType) | |
+ | SetSignature (Type returnType, Type[] returnTypeRequiredCustomModifiers, Type[] returnTypeOptionalCustomModifiers, Type[] parameterTypes, Type[][] parameterTypeRequiredCustomModifiers, Type[][] parameterTypeOptionalCustomModifiers) | |
= | SetSymCustomAttribute (String name, Byte[] data) | |
= | SetSymCustomAttribute (String name, Byte[] data) | |
= | ToString () | |
= | ToString () | |
= | Attributes | |
= | Attributes | |
= | CallingConvention | |
= | CallingConvention | |
+ | ContainsGenericParameters | |
= | DeclaringType | |
= | DeclaringType | |
= | InitLocals | |
= | InitLocals | |
+ | IsGenericMethod | |
+ | IsGenericMethodDefinition | |
= | MethodHandle | |
= | MethodHandle | |
+ | Module | |
= | Name | |
= | Name | |
= | ReflectedType | |
= | ReflectedType | |
+ | ReturnParameter | |
- | ReturnType | |
= | ReturnTypeCustomAttributes | |
= | ReturnTypeCustomAttributes | |
= | Signature | |
= | Signature |
System.Reflection.Emit.CustomAttributeBuilder = | ||
= | .ctor () | |
= | .ctor () | |
= | .ctor () | |
= | .ctor () |
System.Reflection.Emit.MethodRental = | ||
= | JitImmediate | |
= | JitOnDemand | |
= | SwapMethodBody (Type cls, Int32 methodtoken, IntPtr rgIL, Int32 methodSize, Int32 flags) |
System.Reflection.Emit.MethodToken != | ||
= | Empty | |
= | Empty | |
= | Equals (Object obj) | |
= | Equals (Object obj) | |
+ | Equals (MethodToken obj) | |
= | GetHashCode () | |
= | GetHashCode () | |
+ | op_Equality (MethodToken a, MethodToken b) | |
+ | op_Inequality (MethodToken a, MethodToken b) | |
= | Token | |
= | Token |
System.Reflection.Emit.ModuleBuilder != | ||
= | CreateGlobalFunctions () | |
= | CreateGlobalFunctions () | |
= | DefineDocument (String url, Guid language, Guid languageVendor, Guid documentType) | |
= | DefineDocument (String url, Guid language, Guid languageVendor, Guid documentType) | |
= | DefineEnum (String name, TypeAttributes visibility, Type underlyingType) | |
= | DefineEnum (String name, TypeAttributes visibility, Type underlyingType) | |
= | DefineGlobalMethod (String name, MethodAttributes attributes, Type returnType, Type[] parameterTypes) | |
= | DefineGlobalMethod (String name, MethodAttributes attributes, CallingConventions callingConvention, Type returnType, Type[] parameterTypes) | |
= | DefineGlobalMethod (String name, MethodAttributes attributes, Type returnType, Type[] parameterTypes) | |
= | DefineGlobalMethod (String name, MethodAttributes attributes, CallingConventions callingConvention, Type returnType, Type[] parameterTypes) | |
+ | DefineGlobalMethod (String name, MethodAttributes attributes, CallingConventions callingConvention, Type returnType, Type[] requiredReturnTypeCustomModifiers, Type[] optionalReturnTypeCustomModifiers, Type[] parameterTypes, Type[][] requiredParameterTypeCustomModifiers, Type[][] optionalParameterTypeCustomModifiers) | |
= | DefineInitializedData (String name, Byte[] data, FieldAttributes attributes) | |
= | DefineInitializedData (String name, Byte[] data, FieldAttributes attributes) | |
+ | DefineManifestResource (String name, Stream stream, ResourceAttributes attribute) | |
= | DefinePInvokeMethod (String name, String dllName, MethodAttributes attributes, CallingConventions callingConvention, Type returnType, Type[] parameterTypes, CallingConvention nativeCallConv, CharSet nativeCharSet) | |
= | DefinePInvokeMethod (String name, String dllName, String entryName, MethodAttributes attributes, CallingConventions callingConvention, Type returnType, Type[] parameterTypes, CallingConvention nativeCallConv, CharSet nativeCharSet) | |
= | DefinePInvokeMethod (String name, String dllName, MethodAttributes attributes, CallingConventions callingConvention, Type returnType, Type[] parameterTypes, CallingConvention nativeCallConv, CharSet nativeCharSet) | |
= | DefinePInvokeMethod (String name, String dllName, String entryName, MethodAttributes attributes, CallingConventions callingConvention, Type returnType, Type[] parameterTypes, CallingConvention nativeCallConv, CharSet nativeCharSet) | |
= | DefineResource (String name, String description) | |
= | DefineResource (String name, String description, ResourceAttributes attribute) | |
= | DefineResource (String name, String description) | |
= | DefineResource (String name, String description, ResourceAttributes attribute) | |
= | DefineType (String name) | |
= | DefineType (String name, TypeAttributes attr, Type parent, Type[] interfaces) | |
= | DefineType (String name, TypeAttributes attr, Type parent) | |
= | DefineType (String name, TypeAttributes attr) | |
= | DefineType (String name, TypeAttributes attr, Type parent, PackingSize packingSize, Int32 typesize) | |
= | DefineType (String name, TypeAttributes attr, Type parent, Int32 typesize) | |
= | DefineType (String name, TypeAttributes attr, Type parent, PackingSize packsize) | |
= | DefineType (String name, TypeAttributes attr, Type parent, Type[] interfaces) | |
= | DefineType (String name) | |
= | DefineType (String name, TypeAttributes attr) | |
= | DefineType (String name, TypeAttributes attr, Type parent) | |
= | DefineType (String name, TypeAttributes attr, Type parent, Int32 typesize) | |
= | DefineType (String name, TypeAttributes attr, Type parent, PackingSize packingSize, Int32 typesize) | |
= | DefineType (String name, TypeAttributes attr, Type parent, PackingSize packsize) | |
= | DefineUninitializedData (String name, Int32 size, FieldAttributes attributes) | |
= | DefineUninitializedData (String name, Int32 size, FieldAttributes attributes) | |
= | DefineUnmanagedResource (Byte[] resource) | |
= | DefineUnmanagedResource (String resourceFileName) | |
= | DefineUnmanagedResource (Byte[] resource) | |
= | DefineUnmanagedResource (String resourceFileName) | |
= | GetArrayMethod (Type arrayClass, String methodName, CallingConventions callingConvention, Type returnType, Type[] parameterTypes) | |
= | GetArrayMethod (Type arrayClass, String methodName, CallingConventions callingConvention, Type returnType, Type[] parameterTypes) | |
= | GetArrayMethodToken (Type arrayClass, String methodName, CallingConventions callingConvention, Type returnType, Type[] parameterTypes) | |
= | GetArrayMethodToken (Type arrayClass, String methodName, CallingConventions callingConvention, Type returnType, Type[] parameterTypes) | |
= | GetConstructorToken (ConstructorInfo con) | |
= | GetConstructorToken (ConstructorInfo con) | |
= | GetFieldToken (FieldInfo field) | |
= | GetFieldToken (FieldInfo field) | |
= | GetMethodToken (MethodInfo method) | |
= | GetMethodToken (MethodInfo method) | |
= | GetSignatureToken (SignatureHelper sigHelper) | |
= | GetSignatureToken (Byte[] sigBytes, Int32 sigLength) | |
= | GetSignatureToken (SignatureHelper sigHelper) | |
= | GetSignatureToken (Byte[] sigBytes, Int32 sigLength) | |
= | GetStringConstant (String str) | |
= | GetStringConstant (String str) | |
= | GetSymWriter () | |
= | GetSymWriter () | |
= | GetType (String className, Boolean throwOnError, Boolean ignoreCase) | |
= | GetType (String className) | |
= | GetType (String className, Boolean ignoreCase) | |
= | GetType (String className) | |
= | GetType (String className, Boolean ignoreCase) | |
= | GetType (String className, Boolean throwOnError, Boolean ignoreCase) | |
= | GetTypes () | |
= | GetTypes () | |
= | GetTypeToken (Type type) | |
= | GetTypeToken (String name) | |
= | GetTypeToken (Type type) | |
= | GetTypeToken (String name) | |
= | IsTransient () | |
= | IsTransient () | |
= | SetCustomAttribute (ConstructorInfo con, Byte[] binaryAttribute) | |
= | SetCustomAttribute (CustomAttributeBuilder customBuilder) | |
= | SetCustomAttribute (ConstructorInfo con, Byte[] binaryAttribute) | |
= | SetCustomAttribute (CustomAttributeBuilder customBuilder) | |
= | SetSymCustomAttribute (String name, Byte[] data) | |
= | SetSymCustomAttribute (String name, Byte[] data) | |
= | SetUserEntryPoint (MethodInfo entryPoint) | |
= | SetUserEntryPoint (MethodInfo entryPoint) | |
= | FullyQualifiedName | |
= | FullyQualifiedName |
System.Reflection.Emit.PEFileKinds = | ||
= | ConsoleApplication | |
= | Dll | |
= | value__ | |
= | WindowApplication |
System.Reflection.Emit.OpCodes != | ||
= | Add | |
= | Add | |
= | Add_Ovf | |
= | Add_Ovf | |
= | Add_Ovf_Un | |
= | Add_Ovf_Un | |
= | And | |
= | And | |
= | Arglist | |
= | Arglist | |
= | Beq | |
= | Beq | |
= | Beq_S | |
= | Beq_S | |
= | Bge | |
= | Bge | |
= | Bge_S | |
= | Bge_S | |
= | Bge_Un | |
= | Bge_Un | |
= | Bge_Un_S | |
= | Bge_Un_S | |
= | Bgt | |
= | Bgt | |
= | Bgt_S | |
= | Bgt_S | |
= | Bgt_Un | |
= | Bgt_Un | |
= | Bgt_Un_S | |
= | Bgt_Un_S | |
= | Ble | |
= | Ble | |
= | Ble_S | |
= | Ble_S | |
= | Ble_Un | |
= | Ble_Un | |
= | Ble_Un_S | |
= | Ble_Un_S | |
= | Blt | |
= | Blt | |
= | Blt_S | |
= | Blt_S | |
= | Blt_Un | |
= | Blt_Un | |
= | Blt_Un_S | |
= | Blt_Un_S | |
= | Bne_Un | |
= | Bne_Un | |
= | Bne_Un_S | |
= | Bne_Un_S | |
= | Box | |
= | Box | |
= | Br | |
= | Br | |
= | Br_S | |
= | Br_S | |
= | Break | |
= | Break | |
= | Brfalse | |
= | Brfalse | |
= | Brfalse_S | |
= | Brfalse_S | |
= | Brtrue | |
= | Brtrue | |
= | Brtrue_S | |
= | Brtrue_S | |
= | Call | |
= | Call | |
= | Calli | |
= | Calli | |
= | Callvirt | |
= | Callvirt | |
= | Castclass | |
= | Castclass | |
= | Ceq | |
= | Ceq | |
= | Cgt | |
= | Cgt | |
= | Cgt_Un | |
= | Cgt_Un | |
= | Ckfinite | |
= | Ckfinite | |
= | Clt | |
= | Clt | |
= | Clt_Un | |
= | Clt_Un | |
+ | Constrained | |
= | Conv_I | |
= | Conv_I | |
= | Conv_I1 | |
= | Conv_I1 | |
= | Conv_I2 | |
= | Conv_I2 | |
= | Conv_I4 | |
= | Conv_I4 | |
= | Conv_I8 | |
= | Conv_I8 | |
= | Conv_Ovf_I | |
= | Conv_Ovf_I | |
= | Conv_Ovf_I_Un | |
= | Conv_Ovf_I_Un | |
= | Conv_Ovf_I1 | |
= | Conv_Ovf_I1 | |
= | Conv_Ovf_I1_Un | |
= | Conv_Ovf_I1_Un | |
= | Conv_Ovf_I2 | |
= | Conv_Ovf_I2 | |
= | Conv_Ovf_I2_Un | |
= | Conv_Ovf_I2_Un | |
= | Conv_Ovf_I4 | |
= | Conv_Ovf_I4 | |
= | Conv_Ovf_I4_Un | |
= | Conv_Ovf_I4_Un | |
= | Conv_Ovf_I8 | |
= | Conv_Ovf_I8 | |
= | Conv_Ovf_I8_Un | |
= | Conv_Ovf_I8_Un | |
= | Conv_Ovf_U | |
= | Conv_Ovf_U | |
= | Conv_Ovf_U_Un | |
= | Conv_Ovf_U_Un | |
= | Conv_Ovf_U1 | |
= | Conv_Ovf_U1 | |
= | Conv_Ovf_U1_Un | |
= | Conv_Ovf_U1_Un | |
= | Conv_Ovf_U2 | |
= | Conv_Ovf_U2 | |
= | Conv_Ovf_U2_Un | |
= | Conv_Ovf_U2_Un | |
= | Conv_Ovf_U4 | |
= | Conv_Ovf_U4 | |
= | Conv_Ovf_U4_Un | |
= | Conv_Ovf_U4_Un | |
= | Conv_Ovf_U8 | |
= | Conv_Ovf_U8 | |
= | Conv_Ovf_U8_Un | |
= | Conv_Ovf_U8_Un | |
= | Conv_R_Un | |
= | Conv_R_Un | |
= | Conv_R4 | |
= | Conv_R4 | |
= | Conv_R8 | |
= | Conv_R8 | |
= | Conv_U | |
= | Conv_U | |
= | Conv_U1 | |
= | Conv_U1 | |
= | Conv_U2 | |
= | Conv_U2 | |
= | Conv_U4 | |
= | Conv_U4 | |
= | Conv_U8 | |
= | Conv_U8 | |
= | Cpblk | |
= | Cpblk | |
= | Cpobj | |
= | Cpobj | |
= | Div | |
= | Div | |
= | Div_Un | |
= | Div_Un | |
= | Dup | |
= | Dup | |
= | Endfilter | |
= | Endfilter | |
= | Endfinally | |
= | Endfinally | |
= | Initblk | |
= | Initblk | |
= | Initobj | |
= | Initobj | |
= | Isinst | |
= | Isinst | |
= | Jmp | |
= | Jmp | |
= | Ldarg | |
= | Ldarg | |
= | Ldarg_0 | |
= | Ldarg_0 | |
= | Ldarg_1 | |
= | Ldarg_1 | |
= | Ldarg_2 | |
= | Ldarg_2 | |
= | Ldarg_3 | |
= | Ldarg_3 | |
= | Ldarg_S | |
= | Ldarg_S | |
= | Ldarga | |
= | Ldarga | |
= | Ldarga_S | |
= | Ldarga_S | |
= | Ldc_I4 | |
= | Ldc_I4 | |
= | Ldc_I4_0 | |
= | Ldc_I4_0 | |
= | Ldc_I4_1 | |
= | Ldc_I4_1 | |
= | Ldc_I4_2 | |
= | Ldc_I4_2 | |
= | Ldc_I4_3 | |
= | Ldc_I4_3 | |
= | Ldc_I4_4 | |
= | Ldc_I4_4 | |
= | Ldc_I4_5 | |
= | Ldc_I4_5 | |
= | Ldc_I4_6 | |
= | Ldc_I4_6 | |
= | Ldc_I4_7 | |
= | Ldc_I4_7 | |
= | Ldc_I4_8 | |
= | Ldc_I4_8 | |
= | Ldc_I4_M1 | |
= | Ldc_I4_M1 | |
= | Ldc_I4_S | |
= | Ldc_I4_S | |
= | Ldc_I8 | |
= | Ldc_I8 | |
= | Ldc_R4 | |
= | Ldc_R4 | |
= | Ldc_R8 | |
= | Ldc_R8 | |
+ | Ldelem | |
= | Ldelem_I | |
= | Ldelem_I | |
= | Ldelem_I1 | |
= | Ldelem_I1 | |
= | Ldelem_I2 | |
= | Ldelem_I2 | |
= | Ldelem_I4 | |
= | Ldelem_I4 | |
= | Ldelem_I8 | |
= | Ldelem_I8 | |
= | Ldelem_R4 | |
= | Ldelem_R4 | |
= | Ldelem_R8 | |
= | Ldelem_R8 | |
= | Ldelem_Ref | |
= | Ldelem_Ref | |
= | Ldelem_U1 | |
= | Ldelem_U1 | |
= | Ldelem_U2 | |
= | Ldelem_U2 | |
= | Ldelem_U4 | |
= | Ldelem_U4 | |
= | Ldelema | |
= | Ldelema | |
= | Ldfld | |
= | Ldfld | |
= | Ldflda | |
= | Ldflda | |
= | Ldftn | |
= | Ldftn | |
= | Ldind_I | |
= | Ldind_I | |
= | Ldind_I1 | |
= | Ldind_I1 | |
= | Ldind_I2 | |
= | Ldind_I2 | |
= | Ldind_I4 | |
= | Ldind_I4 | |
= | Ldind_I8 | |
= | Ldind_I8 | |
= | Ldind_R4 | |
= | Ldind_R4 | |
= | Ldind_R8 | |
= | Ldind_R8 | |
= | Ldind_Ref | |
= | Ldind_Ref | |
= | Ldind_U1 | |
= | Ldind_U1 | |
= | Ldind_U2 | |
= | Ldind_U2 | |
= | Ldind_U4 | |
= | Ldind_U4 | |
= | Ldlen | |
= | Ldlen | |
= | Ldloc | |
= | Ldloc | |
= | Ldloc_0 | |
= | Ldloc_0 | |
= | Ldloc_1 | |
= | Ldloc_1 | |
= | Ldloc_2 | |
= | Ldloc_2 | |
= | Ldloc_3 | |
= | Ldloc_3 | |
= | Ldloc_S | |
= | Ldloc_S | |
= | Ldloca | |
= | Ldloca | |
= | Ldloca_S | |
= | Ldloca_S | |
= | Ldnull | |
= | Ldnull | |
= | Ldobj | |
= | Ldobj | |
= | Ldsfld | |
= | Ldsfld | |
= | Ldsflda | |
= | Ldsflda | |
= | Ldstr | |
= | Ldstr | |
= | Ldtoken | |
= | Ldtoken | |
= | Ldvirtftn | |
= | Ldvirtftn | |
= | Leave | |
= | Leave | |
= | Leave_S | |
= | Leave_S | |
= | Localloc | |
= | Localloc | |
= | Mkrefany | |
= | Mkrefany | |
= | Mul | |
= | Mul | |
= | Mul_Ovf | |
= | Mul_Ovf | |
= | Mul_Ovf_Un | |
= | Mul_Ovf_Un | |
= | Neg | |
= | Neg | |
= | Newarr | |
= | Newarr | |
= | Newobj | |
= | Newobj | |
= | Nop | |
= | Nop | |
= | Not | |
= | Not | |
= | Or | |
= | Or | |
= | Pop | |
= | Pop | |
= | Prefix1 | |
= | Prefix1 | |
= | Prefix2 | |
= | Prefix2 | |
= | Prefix3 | |
= | Prefix3 | |
= | Prefix4 | |
= | Prefix4 | |
= | Prefix5 | |
= | Prefix5 | |
= | Prefix6 | |
= | Prefix6 | |
= | Prefix7 | |
= | Prefix7 | |
= | Prefixref | |
= | Prefixref | |
+ | Readonly | |
= | Refanytype | |
= | Refanytype | |
= | Refanyval | |
= | Refanyval | |
= | Rem | |
= | Rem | |
= | Rem_Un | |
= | Rem_Un | |
= | Ret | |
= | Ret | |
= | Rethrow | |
= | Rethrow | |
= | Shl | |
= | Shl | |
= | Shr | |
= | Shr | |
= | Shr_Un | |
= | Shr_Un | |
= | Sizeof | |
= | Sizeof | |
= | Starg | |
= | Starg | |
= | Starg_S | |
= | Starg_S | |
+ | Stelem | |
= | Stelem_I | |
= | Stelem_I | |
= | Stelem_I1 | |
= | Stelem_I1 | |
= | Stelem_I2 | |
= | Stelem_I2 | |
= | Stelem_I4 | |
= | Stelem_I4 | |
= | Stelem_I8 | |
= | Stelem_I8 | |
= | Stelem_R4 | |
= | Stelem_R4 | |
= | Stelem_R8 | |
= | Stelem_R8 | |
= | Stelem_Ref | |
= | Stelem_Ref | |
= | Stfld | |
= | Stfld | |
= | Stind_I | |
= | Stind_I | |
= | Stind_I1 | |
= | Stind_I1 | |
= | Stind_I2 | |
= | Stind_I2 | |
= | Stind_I4 | |
= | Stind_I4 | |
= | Stind_I8 | |
= | Stind_I8 | |
= | Stind_R4 | |
= | Stind_R4 | |
= | Stind_R8 | |
= | Stind_R8 | |
= | Stind_Ref | |
= | Stind_Ref | |
= | Stloc | |
= | Stloc | |
= | Stloc_0 | |
= | Stloc_0 | |
= | Stloc_1 | |
= | Stloc_1 | |
= | Stloc_2 | |
= | Stloc_2 | |
= | Stloc_3 | |
= | Stloc_3 | |
= | Stloc_S | |
= | Stloc_S | |
= | Stobj | |
= | Stobj | |
= | Stsfld | |
= | Stsfld | |
= | Sub | |
= | Sub | |
= | Sub_Ovf | |
= | Sub_Ovf | |
= | Sub_Ovf_Un | |
= | Sub_Ovf_Un | |
= | Switch | |
= | Switch | |
= | Tailcall | |
= | Tailcall | |
= | Throw | |
= | Throw | |
= | Unaligned | |
= | Unaligned | |
= | Unbox | |
= | Unbox | |
+ | Unbox_Any | |
= | Volatile | |
= | Volatile | |
= | Xor | |
= | Xor | |
= | TakesSingleByteArgument (OpCode inst) | |
= | TakesSingleByteArgument (OpCode inst) |
System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode != | ||
= | Equals (Object obj) | |
= | Equals (Object obj) | |
+ | Equals (OpCode obj) | |
= | GetHashCode () | |
= | GetHashCode () | |
+ | op_Equality (OpCode a, OpCode b) | |
+ | op_Inequality (OpCode a, OpCode b) | |
= | ToString () | |
= | ToString () | |
= | FlowControl | |
= | FlowControl | |
= | Name | |
= | Name | |
= | OpCodeType | |
= | OpCodeType | |
= | OperandType | |
= | OperandType | |
= | Size | |
= | Size | |
= | StackBehaviourPop | |
= | StackBehaviourPop | |
= | StackBehaviourPush | |
= | StackBehaviourPush | |
= | Value | |
= | Value |
System.Reflection.Emit.OpCodeType = | ||
= | Annotation | |
= | Macro | |
= | Nternal | |
= | Objmodel | |
= | Prefix | |
= | Primitive | |
= | value__ |
System.Reflection.Emit.StackBehaviour != | ||
= | Pop0 | |
= | Pop0 | |
= | Pop1 | |
= | Pop1 | |
= | Pop1_pop1 | |
= | Pop1_pop1 | |
= | Popi | |
= | Popi | |
= | Popi_pop1 | |
= | Popi_pop1 | |
= | Popi_popi | |
= | Popi_popi | |
= | Popi_popi_popi | |
= | Popi_popi_popi | |
= | Popi_popi8 | |
= | Popi_popi8 | |
= | Popi_popr4 | |
= | Popi_popr4 | |
= | Popi_popr8 | |
= | Popi_popr8 | |
= | Popref | |
= | Popref | |
= | Popref_pop1 | |
= | Popref_pop1 | |
= | Popref_popi | |
= | Popref_popi | |
+ | Popref_popi_pop1 | |
= | Popref_popi_popi | |
= | Popref_popi_popi | |
= | Popref_popi_popi8 | |
= | Popref_popi_popi8 | |
= | Popref_popi_popr4 | |
= | Popref_popi_popr4 | |
= | Popref_popi_popr8 | |
= | Popref_popi_popr8 | |
= | Popref_popi_popref | |
= | Popref_popi_popref | |
= | Push0 | |
= | Push0 | |
= | Push1 | |
= | Push1 | |
= | Push1_push1 | |
= | Push1_push1 | |
= | Pushi | |
= | Pushi | |
= | Pushi8 | |
= | Pushi8 | |
= | Pushr4 | |
= | Pushr4 | |
= | Pushr8 | |
= | Pushr8 | |
= | Pushref | |
= | Pushref | |
= | value__ | |
= | value__ | |
= | Varpop | |
= | Varpop | |
= | Varpush | |
= | Varpush |
System.Reflection.Emit.OperandType = | ||
= | InlineBrTarget | |
= | InlineField | |
= | InlineI | |
= | InlineI8 | |
= | InlineMethod | |
= | InlineNone | |
= | InlinePhi | |
= | InlineR | |
= | InlineSig | |
= | InlineString | |
= | InlineSwitch | |
= | InlineTok | |
= | InlineType | |
= | InlineVar | |
= | ShortInlineBrTarget | |
= | ShortInlineI | |
= | ShortInlineR | |
= | ShortInlineVar | |
= | value__ |
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