Comparazione classi Framework 1.1 - 2.0 RTM
Quale assembly?
- non presente nella 2.0 RTM
+ aggiunto nella 2.0 RTM
= invariato
!= variato rispetto alla 1.1
Namespace System.Data
Totale classi: 473, di cui
- 111 nuove
- 251 modificate
- 0 rimosse
Pagina 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ...
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInfoMessageEventArgs = | ||
= | ToString () | |
= | Errors | |
= | Message | |
= | Source |
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInfoMessageEventHandler = | ||
= | .ctor () | |
= | BeginInvoke (Object sender, SqlInfoMessageEventArgs e, AsyncCallback callback, Object object) | |
= | EndInvoke (IAsyncResult result) | |
= | Invoke (Object sender, SqlInfoMessageEventArgs e) |
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter != | ||
= | .ctor () | |
= | .ctor () | |
= | .ctor () | |
= | .ctor () | |
= | .ctor () | |
= | .ctor () | |
= | .ctor () | |
= | .ctor () | |
= | .ctor () | |
= | .ctor () | |
= | .ctor () | |
= | .ctor () | |
= | .ctor () | |
+ | ResetDbType () | |
+ | ResetSqlDbType () | |
= | ToString () | |
= | ToString () | |
+ | CompareInfo | |
= | DbType | |
= | DbType | |
= | Direction | |
= | Direction | |
= | IsNullable | |
= | IsNullable | |
+ | LocaleId | |
= | Offset | |
= | Offset | |
= | ParameterName | |
= | ParameterName | |
= | Precision | |
= | Precision | |
= | Scale | |
= | Scale | |
= | Size | |
= | Size | |
= | SourceColumn | |
= | SourceColumn | |
+ | SourceColumnNullMapping | |
= | SourceVersion | |
= | SourceVersion | |
= | SqlDbType | |
= | SqlDbType | |
+ | SqlValue | |
+ | UdtTypeName | |
= | Value | |
= | Value | |
+ | XmlSchemaCollectionDatabase | |
+ | XmlSchemaCollectionName | |
+ | XmlSchemaCollectionOwningSchema |
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameterCollection != | ||
= | Add (Object value) | |
= | Add (SqlParameter value) | |
= | Add (String parameterName, Object value) | |
= | Add (String parameterName, SqlDbType sqlDbType) | |
= | Add (String parameterName, SqlDbType sqlDbType, Int32 size) | |
= | Add (String parameterName, SqlDbType sqlDbType, Int32 size, String sourceColumn) | |
= | Add (SqlParameter value) | |
= | Add (String parameterName, Object value) | |
= | Add (String parameterName, SqlDbType sqlDbType) | |
= | Add (String parameterName, SqlDbType sqlDbType, Int32 size) | |
= | Add (String parameterName, SqlDbType sqlDbType, Int32 size, String sourceColumn) | |
= | Add (Object value) | |
+ | AddRange (SqlParameter[] values) | |
+ | AddRange (Array values) | |
+ | AddWithValue (String parameterName, Object value) | |
= | Clear () | |
= | Clear () | |
= | Contains (Object value) | |
= | Contains (String value) | |
= | Contains (String value) | |
+ | Contains (SqlParameter value) | |
= | Contains (Object value) | |
= | CopyTo (Array array, Int32 index) | |
+ | CopyTo (SqlParameter[] array, Int32 index) | |
= | CopyTo (Array array, Int32 index) | |
= | GetEnumerator () | |
= | GetEnumerator () | |
= | IndexOf (Object value) | |
= | IndexOf (String parameterName) | |
+ | IndexOf (SqlParameter value) | |
= | IndexOf (String parameterName) | |
= | IndexOf (Object value) | |
= | Insert (Int32 index, Object value) | |
+ | Insert (Int32 index, SqlParameter value) | |
= | Insert (Int32 index, Object value) | |
= | Remove (Object value) | |
+ | Remove (SqlParameter value) | |
= | Remove (Object value) | |
= | RemoveAt (Int32 index) | |
= | RemoveAt (String parameterName) | |
= | RemoveAt (Int32 index) | |
= | RemoveAt (String parameterName) | |
= | Count | |
= | Count | |
+ | IsFixedSize | |
+ | IsReadOnly | |
+ | IsSynchronized | |
= | Item [Int32 index] | |
= | Item [String parameterName] | |
= | Item [Int32 index] | |
= | Item [String parameterName] | |
+ | SyncRoot |
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlRowUpdatedEventArgs = | ||
= | .ctor () | |
= | Command |
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlRowUpdatedEventHandler = | ||
= | .ctor () | |
= | BeginInvoke (Object sender, SqlRowUpdatedEventArgs e, AsyncCallback callback, Object object) | |
= | EndInvoke (IAsyncResult result) | |
= | Invoke (Object sender, SqlRowUpdatedEventArgs e) |
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlRowUpdatingEventArgs = | ||
= | .ctor () | |
= | Command |
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlRowUpdatingEventHandler = | ||
= | .ctor () | |
= | BeginInvoke (Object sender, SqlRowUpdatingEventArgs e, AsyncCallback callback, Object object) | |
= | EndInvoke (IAsyncResult result) | |
= | Invoke (Object sender, SqlRowUpdatingEventArgs e) |
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlTransaction != | ||
= | Commit () | |
- | Dispose () | |
= | Rollback () | |
= | Rollback (String transactionName) | |
= | Save (String savePointName) | |
= | Connection | |
= | IsolationLevel |
System.Data.SqlTypes.INullable = | ||
= | IsNull |
System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBinary != | ||
= | .ctor () | |
= | .ctor () | |
= | Null | |
= | Null | |
+ | Add (SqlBinary x, SqlBinary y) | |
= | CompareTo (Object value) | |
= | CompareTo (Object value) | |
+ | CompareTo (SqlBinary value) | |
= | Concat (SqlBinary x, SqlBinary y) | |
= | Concat (SqlBinary x, SqlBinary y) | |
= | Equals (Object value) | |
= | Equals (SqlBinary x, SqlBinary y) | |
= | Equals (SqlBinary x, SqlBinary y) | |
= | Equals (Object value) | |
= | GetHashCode () | |
= | GetHashCode () | |
+ | GetXsdType (XmlSchemaSet schemaSet) | |
= | GreaterThan (SqlBinary x, SqlBinary y) | |
= | GreaterThan (SqlBinary x, SqlBinary y) | |
= | GreaterThanOrEqual (SqlBinary x, SqlBinary y) | |
= | GreaterThanOrEqual (SqlBinary x, SqlBinary y) | |
= | LessThan (SqlBinary x, SqlBinary y) | |
= | LessThan (SqlBinary x, SqlBinary y) | |
= | LessThanOrEqual (SqlBinary x, SqlBinary y) | |
= | LessThanOrEqual (SqlBinary x, SqlBinary y) | |
= | NotEquals (SqlBinary x, SqlBinary y) | |
= | NotEquals (SqlBinary x, SqlBinary y) | |
= | op_Addition (SqlBinary x, SqlBinary y) | |
= | op_Addition (SqlBinary x, SqlBinary y) | |
= | op_Equality (SqlBinary x, SqlBinary y) | |
= | op_Equality (SqlBinary x, SqlBinary y) | |
= | op_Explicit (SqlBinary x) | |
= | op_Explicit (SqlGuid x) | |
= | op_Explicit (SqlBinary x) | |
= | op_Explicit (SqlGuid x) | |
= | op_GreaterThan (SqlBinary x, SqlBinary y) | |
= | op_GreaterThan (SqlBinary x, SqlBinary y) | |
= | op_GreaterThanOrEqual (SqlBinary x, SqlBinary y) | |
= | op_GreaterThanOrEqual (SqlBinary x, SqlBinary y) | |
= | op_Implicit (Byte[] x) | |
= | op_Implicit (Byte[] x) | |
= | op_Inequality (SqlBinary x, SqlBinary y) | |
= | op_Inequality (SqlBinary x, SqlBinary y) | |
= | op_LessThan (SqlBinary x, SqlBinary y) | |
= | op_LessThan (SqlBinary x, SqlBinary y) | |
= | op_LessThanOrEqual (SqlBinary x, SqlBinary y) | |
= | op_LessThanOrEqual (SqlBinary x, SqlBinary y) | |
= | ToSqlGuid () | |
= | ToSqlGuid () | |
= | ToString () | |
= | ToString () | |
= | IsNull | |
= | IsNull | |
= | Item [Int32 index] | |
= | Item [Int32 index] | |
= | Length | |
= | Length | |
= | Value | |
= | Value |
System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean != | ||
= | .ctor () | |
= | .ctor () | |
= | .ctor () | |
= | .ctor () | |
= | False | |
= | False | |
= | Null | |
= | Null | |
= | One | |
= | One | |
= | True | |
= | True | |
= | Zero | |
= | Zero | |
= | And (SqlBoolean x, SqlBoolean y) | |
= | And (SqlBoolean x, SqlBoolean y) | |
= | CompareTo (Object value) | |
= | CompareTo (Object value) | |
+ | CompareTo (SqlBoolean value) | |
= | Equals (Object value) | |
= | Equals (SqlBoolean x, SqlBoolean y) | |
= | Equals (SqlBoolean x, SqlBoolean y) | |
= | Equals (Object value) | |
= | GetHashCode () | |
= | GetHashCode () | |
+ | GetXsdType (XmlSchemaSet schemaSet) | |
+ | GreaterThan (SqlBoolean x, SqlBoolean y) | |
+ | GreaterThanOrEquals (SqlBoolean x, SqlBoolean y) | |
+ | LessThan (SqlBoolean x, SqlBoolean y) | |
+ | LessThanOrEquals (SqlBoolean x, SqlBoolean y) | |
= | NotEquals (SqlBoolean x, SqlBoolean y) | |
= | NotEquals (SqlBoolean x, SqlBoolean y) | |
= | OnesComplement (SqlBoolean x) | |
= | OnesComplement (SqlBoolean x) | |
= | op_BitwiseAnd (SqlBoolean x, SqlBoolean y) | |
= | op_BitwiseAnd (SqlBoolean x, SqlBoolean y) | |
= | op_BitwiseOr (SqlBoolean x, SqlBoolean y) | |
= | op_BitwiseOr (SqlBoolean x, SqlBoolean y) | |
= | op_Equality (SqlBoolean x, SqlBoolean y) | |
= | op_Equality (SqlBoolean x, SqlBoolean y) | |
= | op_ExclusiveOr (SqlBoolean x, SqlBoolean y) | |
= | op_ExclusiveOr (SqlBoolean x, SqlBoolean y) | |
= | op_Explicit (SqlBoolean x) | |
= | op_Explicit (SqlByte x) | |
= | op_Explicit (SqlInt16 x) | |
= | op_Explicit (SqlInt32 x) | |
= | op_Explicit (SqlInt64 x) | |
= | op_Explicit (SqlDouble x) | |
= | op_Explicit (SqlSingle x) | |
= | op_Explicit (SqlMoney x) | |
= | op_Explicit (SqlDecimal x) | |
= | op_Explicit (SqlString x) | |
= | op_Explicit (SqlBoolean x) | |
= | op_Explicit (SqlByte x) | |
= | op_Explicit (SqlInt16 x) | |
= | op_Explicit (SqlInt32 x) | |
= | op_Explicit (SqlInt64 x) | |
= | op_Explicit (SqlDouble x) | |
= | op_Explicit (SqlSingle x) | |
= | op_Explicit (SqlMoney x) | |
= | op_Explicit (SqlDecimal x) | |
= | op_Explicit (SqlString x) | |
= | op_False (SqlBoolean x) | |
= | op_False (SqlBoolean x) | |
+ | op_GreaterThan (SqlBoolean x, SqlBoolean y) | |
+ | op_GreaterThanOrEqual (SqlBoolean x, SqlBoolean y) | |
= | op_Implicit (Boolean x) | |
= | op_Implicit (Boolean x) | |
= | op_Inequality (SqlBoolean x, SqlBoolean y) | |
= | op_Inequality (SqlBoolean x, SqlBoolean y) | |
+ | op_LessThan (SqlBoolean x, SqlBoolean y) | |
+ | op_LessThanOrEqual (SqlBoolean x, SqlBoolean y) | |
= | op_LogicalNot (SqlBoolean x) | |
= | op_LogicalNot (SqlBoolean x) | |
= | op_OnesComplement (SqlBoolean x) | |
= | op_OnesComplement (SqlBoolean x) | |
= | op_True (SqlBoolean x) | |
= | op_True (SqlBoolean x) | |
= | Or (SqlBoolean x, SqlBoolean y) | |
= | Or (SqlBoolean x, SqlBoolean y) | |
= | Parse (String s) | |
= | Parse (String s) | |
= | ToSqlByte () | |
= | ToSqlByte () | |
= | ToSqlDecimal () | |
= | ToSqlDecimal () | |
= | ToSqlDouble () | |
= | ToSqlDouble () | |
= | ToSqlInt16 () | |
= | ToSqlInt16 () | |
= | ToSqlInt32 () | |
= | ToSqlInt32 () | |
= | ToSqlInt64 () | |
= | ToSqlInt64 () | |
= | ToSqlMoney () | |
= | ToSqlMoney () | |
= | ToSqlSingle () | |
= | ToSqlSingle () | |
= | ToSqlString () | |
= | ToSqlString () | |
= | ToString () | |
= | ToString () | |
= | Xor (SqlBoolean x, SqlBoolean y) | |
= | Xor (SqlBoolean x, SqlBoolean y) | |
= | ByteValue | |
= | ByteValue | |
= | IsFalse | |
= | IsFalse | |
= | IsNull | |
= | IsNull | |
= | IsTrue | |
= | IsTrue | |
= | Value | |
= | Value |
System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte != | ||
= | .ctor () | |
= | .ctor () | |
= | MaxValue | |
= | MaxValue | |
= | MinValue | |
= | MinValue | |
= | Null | |
= | Null | |
= | Zero | |
= | Zero | |
= | Add (SqlByte x, SqlByte y) | |
= | Add (SqlByte x, SqlByte y) | |
= | BitwiseAnd (SqlByte x, SqlByte y) | |
= | BitwiseAnd (SqlByte x, SqlByte y) | |
= | BitwiseOr (SqlByte x, SqlByte y) | |
= | BitwiseOr (SqlByte x, SqlByte y) | |
= | CompareTo (Object value) | |
= | CompareTo (Object value) | |
+ | CompareTo (SqlByte value) | |
= | Divide (SqlByte x, SqlByte y) | |
= | Divide (SqlByte x, SqlByte y) | |
= | Equals (Object value) | |
= | Equals (SqlByte x, SqlByte y) | |
= | Equals (SqlByte x, SqlByte y) | |
= | Equals (Object value) | |
= | GetHashCode () | |
= | GetHashCode () | |
+ | GetXsdType (XmlSchemaSet schemaSet) | |
= | GreaterThan (SqlByte x, SqlByte y) | |
= | GreaterThan (SqlByte x, SqlByte y) | |
= | GreaterThanOrEqual (SqlByte x, SqlByte y) | |
= | GreaterThanOrEqual (SqlByte x, SqlByte y) | |
= | LessThan (SqlByte x, SqlByte y) | |
= | LessThan (SqlByte x, SqlByte y) | |
= | LessThanOrEqual (SqlByte x, SqlByte y) | |
= | LessThanOrEqual (SqlByte x, SqlByte y) | |
= | Mod (SqlByte x, SqlByte y) | |
= | Mod (SqlByte x, SqlByte y) | |
+ | Modulus (SqlByte x, SqlByte y) | |
= | Multiply (SqlByte x, SqlByte y) | |
= | Multiply (SqlByte x, SqlByte y) | |
= | NotEquals (SqlByte x, SqlByte y) | |
= | NotEquals (SqlByte x, SqlByte y) | |
= | OnesComplement (SqlByte x) | |
= | OnesComplement (SqlByte x) | |
= | op_Addition (SqlByte x, SqlByte y) | |
= | op_Addition (SqlByte x, SqlByte y) | |
= | op_BitwiseAnd (SqlByte x, SqlByte y) | |
= | op_BitwiseAnd (SqlByte x, SqlByte y) | |
= | op_BitwiseOr (SqlByte x, SqlByte y) | |
= | op_BitwiseOr (SqlByte x, SqlByte y) | |
= | op_Division (SqlByte x, SqlByte y) | |
= | op_Division (SqlByte x, SqlByte y) | |
= | op_Equality (SqlByte x, SqlByte y) | |
= | op_Equality (SqlByte x, SqlByte y) | |
= | op_ExclusiveOr (SqlByte x, SqlByte y) | |
= | op_ExclusiveOr (SqlByte x, SqlByte y) | |
= | op_Explicit (SqlByte x) | |
= | op_Explicit (SqlBoolean x) | |
= | op_Explicit (SqlMoney x) | |
= | op_Explicit (SqlInt16 x) | |
= | op_Explicit (SqlInt32 x) | |
= | op_Explicit (SqlInt64 x) | |
= | op_Explicit (SqlSingle x) | |
= | op_Explicit (SqlDouble x) | |
= | op_Explicit (SqlDecimal x) | |
= | op_Explicit (SqlString x) | |
= | op_Explicit (SqlByte x) | |
= | op_Explicit (SqlBoolean x) | |
= | op_Explicit (SqlMoney x) | |
= | op_Explicit (SqlInt16 x) | |
= | op_Explicit (SqlInt32 x) | |
= | op_Explicit (SqlInt64 x) | |
= | op_Explicit (SqlSingle x) | |
= | op_Explicit (SqlDouble x) | |
= | op_Explicit (SqlDecimal x) | |
= | op_Explicit (SqlString x) | |
= | op_GreaterThan (SqlByte x, SqlByte y) | |
= | op_GreaterThan (SqlByte x, SqlByte y) | |
= | op_GreaterThanOrEqual (SqlByte x, SqlByte y) | |
= | op_GreaterThanOrEqual (SqlByte x, SqlByte y) | |
= | op_Implicit (Byte x) | |
= | op_Implicit (Byte x) | |
= | op_Inequality (SqlByte x, SqlByte y) | |
= | op_Inequality (SqlByte x, SqlByte y) | |
= | op_LessThan (SqlByte x, SqlByte y) | |
= | op_LessThan (SqlByte x, SqlByte y) | |
= | op_LessThanOrEqual (SqlByte x, SqlByte y) | |
= | op_LessThanOrEqual (SqlByte x, SqlByte y) | |
= | op_Modulus (SqlByte x, SqlByte y) | |
= | op_Modulus (SqlByte x, SqlByte y) | |
= | op_Multiply (SqlByte x, SqlByte y) | |
= | op_Multiply (SqlByte x, SqlByte y) | |
= | op_OnesComplement (SqlByte x) | |
= | op_OnesComplement (SqlByte x) | |
= | op_Subtraction (SqlByte x, SqlByte y) | |
= | op_Subtraction (SqlByte x, SqlByte y) | |
= | Parse (String s) | |
= | Parse (String s) | |
= | Subtract (SqlByte x, SqlByte y) | |
= | Subtract (SqlByte x, SqlByte y) | |
= | ToSqlBoolean () | |
= | ToSqlBoolean () | |
= | ToSqlDecimal () | |
= | ToSqlDecimal () | |
= | ToSqlDouble () | |
= | ToSqlDouble () | |
= | ToSqlInt16 () | |
= | ToSqlInt16 () | |
= | ToSqlInt32 () | |
= | ToSqlInt32 () | |
= | ToSqlInt64 () | |
= | ToSqlInt64 () | |
= | ToSqlMoney () | |
= | ToSqlMoney () | |
= | ToSqlSingle () | |
= | ToSqlSingle () | |
= | ToSqlString () | |
= | ToSqlString () | |
= | ToString () | |
= | ToString () | |
= | Xor (SqlByte x, SqlByte y) | |
= | Xor (SqlByte x, SqlByte y) | |
= | IsNull | |
= | IsNull | |
= | Value | |
= | Value |
System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime != | ||
= | .ctor () | |
= | .ctor () | |
= | .ctor () | |
= | .ctor () | |
= | .ctor () | |
= | .ctor () | |
= | .ctor () | |
= | .ctor () | |
= | .ctor () | |
= | .ctor () | |
= | .ctor () | |
= | .ctor () | |
= | MaxValue | |
= | MaxValue | |
= | MinValue | |
= | MinValue | |
= | Null | |
= | Null | |
= | SQLTicksPerHour | |
= | SQLTicksPerHour | |
= | SQLTicksPerMinute | |
= | SQLTicksPerMinute | |
= | SQLTicksPerSecond | |
= | SQLTicksPerSecond | |
+ | Add (SqlDateTime x, TimeSpan t) | |
= | CompareTo (Object value) | |
= | CompareTo (Object value) | |
+ | CompareTo (SqlDateTime value) | |
= | Equals (Object value) | |
= | Equals (SqlDateTime x, SqlDateTime y) | |
= | Equals (SqlDateTime x, SqlDateTime y) | |
= | Equals (Object value) | |
= | GetHashCode () | |
= | GetHashCode () | |
+ | GetXsdType (XmlSchemaSet schemaSet) | |
= | GreaterThan (SqlDateTime x, SqlDateTime y) | |
= | GreaterThan (SqlDateTime x, SqlDateTime y) | |
= | GreaterThanOrEqual (SqlDateTime x, SqlDateTime y) | |
= | GreaterThanOrEqual (SqlDateTime x, SqlDateTime y) | |
= | LessThan (SqlDateTime x, SqlDateTime y) | |
= | LessThan (SqlDateTime x, SqlDateTime y) | |
= | LessThanOrEqual (SqlDateTime x, SqlDateTime y) | |
= | LessThanOrEqual (SqlDateTime x, SqlDateTime y) | |
= | NotEquals (SqlDateTime x, SqlDateTime y) | |
= | NotEquals (SqlDateTime x, SqlDateTime y) | |
= | op_Addition (SqlDateTime x, TimeSpan t) | |
= | op_Addition (SqlDateTime x, TimeSpan t) | |
= | op_Equality (SqlDateTime x, SqlDateTime y) | |
= | op_Equality (SqlDateTime x, SqlDateTime y) | |
= | op_Explicit (SqlDateTime x) | |
= | op_Explicit (SqlString x) | |
= | op_Explicit (SqlDateTime x) | |
= | op_Explicit (SqlString x) | |
= | op_GreaterThan (SqlDateTime x, SqlDateTime y) | |
= | op_GreaterThan (SqlDateTime x, SqlDateTime y) | |
= | op_GreaterThanOrEqual (SqlDateTime x, SqlDateTime y) | |
= | op_GreaterThanOrEqual (SqlDateTime x, SqlDateTime y) | |
= | op_Implicit (DateTime value) | |
= | op_Implicit (DateTime value) | |
= | op_Inequality (SqlDateTime x, SqlDateTime y) | |
= | op_Inequality (SqlDateTime x, SqlDateTime y) | |
= | op_LessThan (SqlDateTime x, SqlDateTime y) | |
= | op_LessThan (SqlDateTime x, SqlDateTime y) | |
= | op_LessThanOrEqual (SqlDateTime x, SqlDateTime y) | |
= | op_LessThanOrEqual (SqlDateTime x, SqlDateTime y) | |
= | op_Subtraction (SqlDateTime x, TimeSpan t) | |
= | op_Subtraction (SqlDateTime x, TimeSpan t) | |
= | Parse (String s) | |
= | Parse (String s) | |
+ | Subtract (SqlDateTime x, TimeSpan t) | |
= | ToSqlString () | |
= | ToSqlString () | |
= | ToString () | |
= | ToString () | |
= | DayTicks | |
= | DayTicks | |
= | IsNull | |
= | IsNull | |
= | TimeTicks | |
= | TimeTicks | |
= | Value | |
= | Value |
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